GTA San Andreas

Buat teman-teman atau rekan-rekan yang suka Game GTA San Andreas, ni saya share-kan GTA San Andreas untuk versi PC-nya, yang dapat di download secara gratis dan full.. di Server MEDIAFIRE pula... biar bisa download pake IDM maknyozzz cepetnya...

Minimal System:
1GHz Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon Processor
256MB of RAM
8x DVD-ROM Drive
3.6 GB of free space for a minimal install
64MB Video Card with DirectX 9 compatible drivers
DirectX 9 compatible Stereo Sound Card
Keyboard & Mouse

System Requirement:
Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon XP processor
384MB(+) of RAM
16x DVD-ROM drive
4.7 GB of free space for a full install
128MB Video Card with DirectX 9 compatible drivers
DirectX 9 compatible Surround Sound Card
Game pad with twin axis analog controls (USB or Joystick Port)
Keyboard & Mouse



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