Keplauan Cayman adalah sebuah wilayah luar negeri Britania Raya di Laut Karibia bagian barat. Dia terdiri dari 3 pulau: Cayman Besar, Cayman Brac, dan Cayman Kecil.
Berikut adalah Desain Foto - Foto Kemewahan Villa di Cayman Islands
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous never took a long look at those gorgeous homes in the Cayman Islands. This is just one of those Beautiful homes that only the super rich can afford.
This is just one of those Luxurious 60 million dollar homes. These homes all feature intricate details including entrances that look like hotel lobbies, pools, tennis courts and amazing rooms that most people only dream about.
You will find in house theaters, underground grotto spas, game room, steam room, billiards room, and exercise room. You also have to include your staff quarters and the helipad.
Luxurious multi-million dollar homes cost as much to create as a big hotel, but without the income associated with it. We can only dream of living in a breath taking home like the one featured inside.
Hidung Anda Pesek?Pakai Alat Ini ! Wah, kabar baik bagi anda yang punya hidung mancung ke dalam karena ada cara yang lebih murah dibandingkan harus mela
15 Fakta Unik Indonesia
1. Proklamator Kemerdekaan
Semua orang sepertinya tahu bahwa Soekarno dan Hatta adalah yang memproklamirk
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